A small collection of things.
- About Me
- ArtyA7: UART
- BladeRF: Compensated Correlation in Rust
- BladeRF: Curious Case of Phase
- BladeRF: Direction and Distance Detection
- BladeRF: Harness Module
- BladeRF: Signal Propogation Simulation
- BladeRF: Tri-Band Antenna
- BladeRF: Two Board Near Coherency over Large Distances
- BladeRF: Two Board Synchronization with Two Element Beamforming
- BladeRF: Two Element Beamforming: Two Spatial Streams
- Colorful and Useful Words
- Derail Valley: Grade and Speed Map
- Dragon’s Dogma 2: Game Review
- Electronics: Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
- EN2D
- Hamming
- KiCad: First Board
- Lagrange Interpolation
- Microsoft vs Amazon on the Cloud
- Non-Uniform Array Directional Finding Algorithms
- Nuand BladeRF FREQuency SCAN – Sigma
- Radio Survey: Cyclic Energy (Humidity?)
- Radio Survey: Cyclic Energy: Part 2
- Radio Survey: Data Lake
- Reflection Tests
- Reflection Tests 052524
- Reflection Tests 052624
- Reflection Tests 052724
- Reflection Tests 053024
- Reflection Tests 053124
- Reflection Tests 060424
- Reflection Tests 060524
- Reflection Tests 060524-B
- Reflection Tests 060824
- Reflection Tests 061224
- Reflection Tests 061224-B
- Reflection Tests 061324
- Reflection Tests 062024
- Remote Video Decoding: TempestSDR
- Screeps
- Sky Lights
ReDux Reflection Tests
I was working on measuring distance using phase and found myself in a tough spot. I couldn’t get it working so I decided to migrate back to an old problem of mine that consists of reflections. To be specific, atmospheric reflections. The idea is to take a signal and bounce it off the clouds, water…
Great Tool for Finding Whats Taking Up Space
WinDirStat – Windows Directory Statistics
Rust-Lang: Required Reading
If you are new to the Rust language these are the best resources besides the search engine. Introduction – Rust By Example ( std – Rust ( Learn Rust – Rust Programming Language ( By the way, it is a great language.
This site has been around for a long time. It serves as a really great way to quickly make diagrams and draw things up.
Operation Horseshoe
Throwing those horseshoes on some legs… ouch – I bet that hurt!
Boto 3: S3: Enumerate All Bucket Items
A snippet of code to enumerate all Amazon S3 bucket items.
Sending Page-Break without a Page-Break Key
Some keyboard do not have a page-break key. This page gives some ways to send one. For example, on my laptop keyboard it was CTRL+FN+b. Pause/Break key on modern keyboards – Super User
Boto3 S3 Storage Classes
When using the Boto3 client for uploading files to S3 storage. For example, the upload_fileobj call there is a parameter to the call called ExtraArgs which is a dictionary object. It contains a key called StorageClass which can be set to: STANDARD Standard Frequent Access STANDARD_IA Standard Infrequenct Access REDUCED_REDUNDANCY Reduced Redundancy GLACIER Glacier Storage…
Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid – The Atlantic
Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid – The Atlantic
Djo – End of Beginning