Lagrange Interpolation

This is one of my favorites. It takes a sequence of (x, y) coordinates and builds a serial of polynomials for which one can then use to interpolate or extrapolate values.

def lagrange_build_basis_poly(x, y):
    """Build the basis polynomials for lagrange interpolation.

    The points (x_i, y_i) represent the known values. The output
    polynomials will calculate a best fit interpolation between
    these points when evaluated.
    polys = []
    k = len(x)
    for j in range(k):
        num_terms = []
        den_terms = []
        for m in range(k):
            if m == j:
            num_terms.append((None, x[m]))
            den_terms.append(x[j] - x[m])
        # coefficient, numerator, denomenator_result
        polys.append((y[j], num_terms,
    # sum polynomials for L(x)
    return polys

def lagrange_eval_basis_poly(polys, arbitrary_x):
    """Evaluate the basis polynomials for an arbitrary x.
    y_at_x = 0.0
    for poly in polys:
        num_result = [arbitrary_x - num_term[1] for num_term in poly[1]]
        num_result =
        den_result = poly[2]
        y_at_x += num_result / den_result * poly[0]
    return y_at_x