Reflection Tests 062024

The test/experiment from 061324 (06-13-2024) is still ongoing. I’m trying to see if there is any kind of daily pattern which I might expect. I’m figuring if I can stand it, I will run this test for a few days and see what kind of pattern emerges.

There is some reason the doppler shift function is picking up the variation shown above in dark blue around 10km. It stays fairly consistent around 5km. I suspect some of it could be noise that is increasing or decreasing over time but even if in that case it means I must be picking up my own signal to some extent.

I would really like to see what happens when bad weather comes through. One reason is that the clouds will be lower to the ground if I remember correctly. This should increase the chance of affecting the output.

Recent Output

The most recent output does not include much bad weather. It does have what appears to be some daily cycle going on, but it is very vague and difficult to discern if it really does.

I’m likely going to terminate this test and try something new. I’ve been thinking about moving the antennas where they get a clearer view of the sky – which will require the purchase of a lengthy cable.