Right Eye.. Again.

Today, I heard Wayne Lyle yell, “we’re going to burn him!” Then, shortly my right eye in the corner started to feel irritated. It then progressively got worse for about an hour and now has started to feel better. I think it was maybe five minutes after I heard him yell that I heard him yell, “I had to stop!”

I’m guessing he got the eye burner back up and running. Started burning my eye and then for some reason stopped.

It all started when I activated my third counter measure against the interception of my video signal. As I’ve been very sure for years now Wayne has been using some equipment to spy on my electronic devices. I’m guessing the counter measure worked and out of anger he decided to burn me for it.

~16 Hours Later

The eye was sore when I went to bed. It was better in the morning, but it has started to feel like it’s headed towards being sore again. I’ve moved one of my RF shields and faced it in the direction of Wayne Lyle’s house to see if my eye stops acting up. I got some more shields to cover my right side in case that doesn’t work. I’m also thinking about going ahead and getting an underground bunker so hopefully the ground can absorb any of these strong RF fields that might be causing my eye burns.

I think I’ve finally got Wayne knocked off from seeing my computer screen and electronic devices. I adjusted my counter measures so they would be more effective. Like I said before, I believe the eye burning is in retaliation to the counter measurements being effective.

~20 Hours Later

After putting up my RF shield my eye has recovered. I’m still playing on the computer so once again it isn’t that doing it. I figured once I put the shield back up it would improve. Now, at the same time, it almost seems like the pain has moved a bit to the outer edge of my right eye but then it is also improving. Time will tell. I’ll just have to wait until tomorrow and a few days after and see what the eye does.

Few Days Later

I had a real bad episode where my right eye was developing soreness and then I felt a really hot spot on my left eye when facing south. I’ve since surrounded myself with shields and my eyes have had no problems since.

Spy Technology Used

Here are some links to the kind of technology I believe is being used to spy on me:

GitHub – martinmarinov/TempestSDR: Remote video eavesdropping using a software-defined radio platform

Easvesdropping on HDMI with TEMPESTSDR and SDRplay

Yet another TempestSDR demo with a HackRF. Much higher resolution than a RTL2832. : r/RTLSDR

This is an example of what is possible with deep learning A.I. networks.

Deep-Tempest: Eavesdropping on HDMI via SDR and Deep Learning

You can see a big improvement on the readability of the screen in the above link.

Now, there are a ton of these out on the Internet. I’ve been looking hard to find examples of large distances. The distance from me to Wayne is about 498 feet, country landscape, almost no obstructions, and out in the country where the noise floor is low. I’ve hoped to find some examples of people achieving that kind of range, but this kind of technology is kept secret by the big boys.

Most of what you find on the Internet is being done with commodity grade hardware. There isn’t any serious beamforming for higher SNR going on and the SDR hardware is on the lower end.

The furthest example I’ve seen is from one room to the next. So, say through drywall with wood or metal studs and about 20 feet. That’s pretty good to be honest but I’ve got the feeling distances up to 498 feet are possible.

A distance of 882 feet is also possible with HDCP turned off. That means a non-encrypted HDMI signal at 4K. I say possible because I have limited information on it but it’s in the realm of possibility. Also based on my information a distance of 882 feet is not possible with HDCP turned on. On the other hand, 498 feet is viable with HDCP turned on from what I’m observing.

From the best I can tell, Wayne didn’t engineer nor buy the equipment. It’s a group which could be a specialized group or just some assortment of people who’ve funded the project. It might be one main contributor but what they’ve managed to do at least initially is get enough funds and technical expertise to build the system.

This is the kind of system that would be used to spy on government agencies or conduct corporate espionage. It’s been around since WW2 but back then it was in its infancy.

Now, an alternative hypothesis is that it may be that strange drone I’ve seen flying around out here. It is possible it might be doing the HDMI decoding and Wayne is doing the burning. I’ve overheard 13-ghz as the frequency used for the burning and they’d need a lot of power to induce thermal energy at 498 feet but from what I’ve observed it’s been possible to eye burn from ranges of 3356 feet. I don’t think that drone has enough power supply to do the burning but it very well may be doing the HDMI decoding.

So, watch out for drones. This one I’m seeing is pretty big. It can hover. The problem is, especially at night, it might be hovering over your house observing your electromagnetic emissions, watching your phone screen, TV/computer display, and tablets.






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