I’ve known about this location for a while because I kept hearing Wayne say the name Riley. This was back a few months ago when the eye burning happened for about three months.
Yesterday, I was sitting in the house in the chair watching TV and I felt a pain in my right eye. The spot was just to the right of my pupil on the right eye. I left the house and went to my tiny house. After a short while I encountered the pain again in the same eye but it was slightly more center.
I took some metal and build a second wall. I’ve already got one wall between Wayne’s house and my bed. So I put the second wall on the other side of my bed then make a third wall and the foot.
Since then, I’ve not had any more eye pains.
Then pain lasted a few hours. It gradually decreased in intensity. It increased faster to a level of pain than it decreased. It took some time maybe about 3 minutes for the pain to become difficult to manage which caused me to flee the house.
I’ve created a map of suspect locations for which this high energy beam could originate from.
Point A is Wayne, point B is Clint, and point C may be Riley (from which Wayne spoke about many times).
I’m also still getting threats from Wayne. Wayne recently threatened there would be more houses I’d have to mark. Wayne yelled out “we own your ass” during the burning episode. Wayne also yelled out various comments about he needs more power and something about getting a generator up and running.
I also suspect that they are using a new frequency other than 13-ghz. I overheard what sounded like Wayne saying this new frequency sucks, he needed more power, and it seemed like he was trying to find a way to penetrate my shielding with something that would burn me.
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