For the past two or three days, I have been having some trouble with my right eye. I’m getting those strange pains. In the past, a few months ago, I was getting them in both eyes for about three months.
I was also hearing Wayne and Clint, my neighbors, make a lot of threats during that period of time. I’m once again hearing Wayne yell things and make comments related to it and the strange pain is returning. So far it is only in my right eye.
I’m trying to use what part of my eyeball hurts to determine a direction. That seemed to work last time. A few months ago, when it was happening a lot, I could put up enough metal in a certain direction and I wouldn’t get burns to the sides of my eyeballs that were blocked in that direction. This was strange you know because it shouldn’t matter if it is something common happening to my eye.
Here is an image of my surroundings and my position.
The reference arrow is the direction I am facing. Now, here is an image of where the pain is and what eyeball it happens with.
The pain only happens when I sit still. If I move around throughout the day I won’t have any pain in my eye. This was also the case a few months ago. It only happens when I sit still or hold my head still for a period of time say 30-minutes or longer.
Back a few months ago, I was having it happen in both eyes all over the eyeball. It would be specific places of intense and discomfortable pain. This would all be relative to how I was positioned. If I moved position the pain would change position as if it was related to how I was positioned.
I was hearing a lot of yelling from Wayne and Clint. Both of them were yelling threats. Asking “how does that eye feel motherfucker” and making various comments related to the eye pain. To which I thought it only makes sense that they have or know something about the strange pain. It doesn’t mean they were doing it, but they knew my eye was hurting which is impossible because I didn’t tell anyone.
Looking at the map it seems like Clint shouldn’t have the angle needed to hit my right eye on position C. My nose should be blocking the inside of my eye for position B. However, Wayne could be penetrating my shield with something? I am not sure. Perhaps the source of it is somewhere else. The top part of my, position A, which is developing an injury is strange because it would seem that Wayne wouldn’t have the line of sight needed for that position but at the same time he could. It makes me wonder if there is a third source.
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