Sky Lights

I’ve been tracking lights in the sky. I first started seeing them sometime around 2019. The first most notable sighting was about 5 or 7 white lights that all moved in coordination in various patterns. This happened at the 248-location.

I’ve been seeing them for about five years now. I’ve been seeing them regularly for at least a year.

I’ve also seen the usual blinking navigation lights of aircraft that seem to sit still and then start moving once you look at them. I’ve seen them circle my location.

Currently, I’m seeing a white light but off to the side I can see what appears to be red and green blinking lights – like navigation lights. It is as if the aircraft has turned on its forward white light and steered itself toward my location.

I need to find a way to get a good elevation and more accurate azimuth. The light moves position sometimes during the night. At times, it moves with the stars. I’ve also seen it move rapidly in circles, random like directions, and along what appears to be line like trajectories. It also can move to different parts of the sky during the night.

I’ve heard it before I think. I can’t be sure because it could have been a different aircraft or something unrelated, but it sounded like it had propellers. The sound was lighter like the aircraft isn’t that heavy.

I’ve also seen it before while at Walmart hovering in the sky and then once I started looking that direction it flew off in a straight line. This one too had the same white light which appears to be a forward light. It also had the blinking red and I believe it had the blinking green light.

Update 9/24/24

I think I may be looking at the star Sirius sometimes. However, the light has not been in that location as best I can recall. Also, considering I could have some inaccuracy in memory. The problem is the light that looks just like Sirius looks has been in the north and west and when looking at it I’ve seen it move in circles and in different directions. So, I’m still not convinced it has always been Sirius. I’m going to have to keep watching, collecting data, and making sure it always is Sirius or some other star.


9/21/24no data248~ESEHighno data
9/22/24~2030248~WHighno data
9/22/24~2200248~NModerateno data
9/23/240100248N/AN/Anot seenno data
9/23/240245248~SE (suspect; may have been off)Highmay have been siriusno data
9/23/240305248~SES (suspect; may have been off)Highmay have been sirusno data
9/23/240535248N/AN/Anot seenN/A
9/24/240321248~ESE; lined up below Orion’s Alnitak starHighmaybe sirius starN/A
10/19/24~2120248NNEHighlateral bi-directional movement when viewing; neighbor Wayne chattering about being watched prior45deg
Dates and times of sightings.

10/19/24 ~2120 Remarks

I was playing one of my games and I started to hear Wayne yelling about me playing the game, coordinating with others, and having some kind of fit. Then he seemed to yell about they are watching him, that he is decrypting something, he is not supposed to have something, and a few various other comments. I continued to play my game and ignore him as usual.

When I exited my house to walk the dog, I saw in the sky that unusual light. It does not quite look like a star. It has almost distinct red and green colors flickering about. I looked at it a few times. I walked the dog around the house, and I looked and stared at it. When staring it moved to the side and back about an inch over two seconds.

I heard Wayne yell, “stop looking at it you stupid motherfucker!”. I then heard Wayne yell what sounded like “you better not write about it on that website!” I think between those comments he said to someone else, a little quieter, “I know that motherfucker can hear me!”

I went into my parents, ate something, thought about it, and decided to do exactly what Wayne said not to do which is to write about it. That seemed the most appropriate choice – for which I have now done so.