km4kfl/-nbfreqscan (
In a nutshell, what the program reads in is samples taken from various sources. If one used the nbfreqscan
project then each sample is from one or more antennas, such as a BladeRF
, and each sample has a Unix timestamp in seconds, frequency in hertz, magnitude as a floating point, and a source index. Taking this data into this program we work on each antenna/source at a time.
For each source, use a time period, say one hour, and organize all samples into bins representing each time period. Take each time period and organize all samples into a histogram with the histogram axis being frequency and the weight being the magnitude. Iterate each row, where each row is a time period and each item of the row is a frequency bin and compute the sigma for each frequency bin of that row and all other previous to it. This means we get one sigma for each frequency bin per that row using that row and all previous rows.
This is in contrast to computing the sigma for all rows and in contrast to computing the sigma for all rows for each frequency bin. We want to exclude future rows because what happens when you don’t is the output constantly changes based on future data changing the results. The modified sigma calculation ignores future rows. It causes old data to be locked which is beneficial for certain situations.
Finally, take the 3D sigma output, which is three axes: time period, frequency, and magnitude, for each source and average them. I was torn between using each source individually or taking the mean of them all. This is optional.
I use NANs because sometimes not all sources were being sampled at the same time leaving gaps. In other cases, the system turned off for a period of time, but I wanted that gap to show so I insert NANs and use Numpy’s methods that ignore NANs in the calculations. I think it works really nicely.
Below is an example of the sigma view using data from the above project:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt
import pickle
import math
import time
from scipy import ndimage
a = {}
b = {}
c = {}
with open('plot', 'rb') as fd:
while True:
mt, freq, b0, b1, board_ndx = pickle.load(fd)
except EOFError:
board_ndx = str(board_ndx)
if board_ndx + '.0' not in a:
a[board_ndx + '.0'] = []
b[board_ndx + '.0'] = []
a[board_ndx + '.1'] = []
b[board_ndx + '.1'] = []
c[board_ndx + '.0'] = []
c[board_ndx + '.1'] = []
a[board_ndx + '.0'].append(freq)
b[board_ndx + '.0'].append(b0)
a[board_ndx + '.1'].append(freq)
b[board_ndx + '.1'].append(b1)
c[board_ndx + '.0'].append(mt)
c[board_ndx + '.1'].append(mt)
print('data loaded')
print('sample count', len(a['0.0']))
def time_of_day_analysis(
def process_ldata(ldata):
ldata = np.array(ldata)
# ts, freq, mag
w = ldata[:, 2] - np.mean(ldata[:, 2])
mags, edges = np.histogram(
ldata[:, 1], weights=w,
return mags
out = []
cur_key = None
ldata = []
for x in range(len(ts)):
tse = math.floor((ts[x] - start_time) / time_period)
#print('tse', tse, ts[x] - start_time)
while len(out) < tse + 1:
#if cur_key is not
if cur_key != tse:
if len(ldata) > 0:
print('processing', tse)
out[tse] = process_ldata(ldata)
#cur_key =
cur_key = tse
ldata = []
ldata.append((ts[x], freq[x], mag[x]))
while len(out) < tse + 1:
if len(ldata) > 0:
print('processing', tse)
out[tse] = process_ldata(ldata)
out_sz = len(out[tse])
out_dtype = out[tse].dtype
print('padding with zeros', len(out))
for x in range(len(out)):
if out[x] is None:
# use nans so we can ignore them in further
# calculations
out[x] = np.zeros(out_sz, out_dtype)
out[x] /= 0
out = np.array(out)
#sigma = (out - np.mean(out, axis=0)) / np.std(out, axis=0)
out2 = np.zeros(out.shape, out.dtype)
print('doing streaming sigma')
sst = time.time()
for y in range(out.shape[1]):
if time.time() - sst > 5:
sst = time.time()
print('progress', y / (out.shape[1] - 1))
for x in range(1, out.shape[0]):
chunk = out[0:x, y]
std = np.nanstd(chunk)
if std == 0.0 or np.isnan(std):
chunk2 = (chunk - np.nanmean(chunk)) / std
point = chunk2[-1]
out2[x, y] = point
#sigma = ndimage.gaussian_filter(sigma, 2.0)
return out2
f = []
for k in c:
_c = c[k]
_a = a[k]
_b = b[k]
for x in range(len(_c)):
f.append((_c[x], _a[x], _b[x]))
f.sort(key=lambda item: item[0])
f = np.array(f)
time_of_day_analysis(f[:, 0], f[:, 1], f[:, 2])
bins = 128
time_period_hours = 4
time_period = int(60 * 60 * time_period_hours)
# earliest start time
est = time.time()
for k in c:
est = min(c[k][0], est)
sigma = None
sigma_c = 0.0
for k in c:
print('time of day analysis', k)
s = time_of_day_analysis(est, time_period, bins, c[k], a[k], b[k])
if sigma is None:
sigma = s
sigma += s
sigma_c += 1
sigma /= sigma_c
tpl = (np.min(sigma), np.max(sigma))
if tpl[0] < 6 or tpl[1] > 6:
vmin = tpl[0]
vmax = tpl[1]
vmin = -6
vmax = 6
plt.title('%.2f Hour Sigma Analysis [%.2f, %.2f]' % (
tpl[0], tpl[1]
plt.imshow(sigma, extent=[
70e6, 6e9, 6e9, 70e6
], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
plt.title('Response at Time')
plt.ylabel('Mean Magnitude')
for data_name in a:
#a_dt = [dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(v) for v in a[data_name]]
plt.plot(b[data_name], label=data_name)
plt.title('Response At Frequency')
plt.ylabel('Mean Magnitude')
for data_name in a:
plt.scatter(a[data_name], b[data_name], label=data_name, s=0.1)